Join us for a book club discussion of "American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer" by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin. This book is the first full-scale biography of J. Robert Oppenheimer, "father of the atomic bomb," the talented physicist who led the effort to help this country in time of war. Recently, the famous movie Oppenheimer was based on this novel. It is available in hardcover, large print, ebook, and audiobook formats at many bookstores and libraries.
This will be a friendly conversation, not a debate or a book report! We look forward to a lively discussion about what you liked, what you learned, and even what you disagreed with. Whether you read it cover to cover, skim it, or only get part way, we still encourage you to join us to share your thoughts and hear from others. Don't forget to spread the word to your coworkers and colleagues, these discussions always benefit from more perspectives!
Kindly contact youngmembers@seaony.org if you have any questions. This is the first of a series of book club this calendar year, so if you would like to participate in the future but cannot attend this session, please contact us to let us know that you are interested.
Registration Fees:
SEAoNY Members*: Free
Non-Members: $5
Non-Member Students: Free
*Members must log in to their SEAoNY accounts to receive membership discount on registration. (Students, did you know student membership is free?! Inquire about free student membership at admin@seaony.org)
Sustaining Members & Corporate Sponsors interested in using their free event registration should email admin@seaony.org for the registration code.
Registration ends Tuesday, September 26, 2023.

Event, Cancellation & Photo Policies:
SEAoNY will accept refund requests made in writing no later than Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. ET. Registration fees are not refundable after this date.
By registering for this SEAoNY event, I give consent for my photograph to be taken or presence recorded and possibly used on the organization’s intranet, internet, newsletters, board reports, and other organizational materials as needed. I understand that I am not eligible for compensation for use of my photo and I may not be informed in advance of the specific use of those images.