SEAoNY Annual Meeting
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
5:15 - 8:00 PM ET
Scandinavia House
Volvo Hall
58 Park Ave
New York, NY 10016
Join us as we kick off the 2023-2024 Membership year!
This is a members only event. Registration is free for all SEAoNY members who have renewed for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. As a reminder, all SEAoNY memberships expire annually on August 31st.
SEAoNY will welcome the incoming Board of Directors, honor scholarship winners, and have a message from our 2024 Honorary Member, Brian Falconer, P.E.
SEAoNY 2023 Annual Meeting Agenda (Tentative)
5:15 - 5:55 PM Registration and Social Reception
5:55 PM Opening Remarks – Erik Madsen, P.E.
6:00 PM Committee Reports
7:25 PM Honorary Member: Brian Falconer, P.E.
7:35 PM Scholarship Awards – Erik Madsen, P.E.
7:40 PM Incoming President Closing Remarks – Lulu Shen, P.E.
7:45 PM Raffle Drawing & Giveaway
All members who register for the Annual Meeting before September 1st will be automatically entered to win a free registration to the SEAoNY Annual Conference in February!

Brian Falconer was born in Chicago and reared in St. Louis. He received a B.S. in Architectural Engineering from the University of Kansas in 1988 and a M.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas in 1990. Brian joined Severud Associates in 1990 and became a Principal in 2007.
Mr. Falconer has served on various structural committees for ASCE, CIB, and the City of New York and is a Past-President of SEAoNY.
Brian’s award-winning projects include: Jamaica Station, The World Trade Center PATH Station, 390 Madison Avenue, Belfer Research Building at Weill Cornell Medical Center, Moynihan Train Hall, NYU’s Paulson Center, and the 2 Penn Plaza Redevelopment.

If you have not yet renewed for 2023-2024, please renew your membership online by logging into your member profile. Membership dues will be collected on premises for all non-Member registrants. Renewing before the event will greatly help expedite check-in. Thank you!
Online registration will close at noon the day before (9/11).

Student and Young Members “Pre-meeting Prep”, 4:00-5:30 PM, 5th Floor Conference Room @ Scandinavia House
Students and young professionals are invited to join us for a special 1.5-hour event prior to this year’s annual meeting. This is a great opportunity for first time attendees or new members to warm up ahead of the greater SEAoNY Annual Meeting. We will use this time for networking and give our Student Outreach Committee and Young Members Group a chance to share all we have in store for 2023-2024. You do not need to be a member of the committees to attend. Snacks and light refreshments will be provided.
All participants must register for the ‘regular’ Annual Meeting.

By registering for this SEAoNY event, I give consent for my photograph to be taken or presence recorded and possibly used on the organization’s intranet, internet, newsletters, board reports, and other organizational materials as needed. I understand that I am not eligible for compensation for use of my photo and I may not be informed in advance of the specific use of those images.