2023 SEAoNY
Structural Engineering Excellence (SEE) Awards
(formerly the EiSE Awards)
It's that time again! Entry for the 2023 SEAoNY
Structural Engineering Excellence Awards is now OPEN!
All entries must be received no later than
5:00 PM EDT on Wednesday, May 24, 2023.
All awards, including Engineers' Choice, will be presented at the
Annual Boat Cruise and SEE Awards Presentation.
The Awards will recognize the best of creative achievement and innovation in structural engineering by New York State firms in three categories. Up to six awards will be awarded during the SEE Awards Event:
1. New Buildings
(up to 9 finalists, up to 3 awards)
2. Forensic Analysis/ Renovation / Retrofit / Rehabilitation of Structures
(up to 3 finalists, 1 award)
3. Other Structures
(up to 3 finalists, 1 award)
One project will be awarded the Engineers’ Choice award.
For full entry details, download the 2023 Call for Entries here.
4. Young Engineer of the Year (For more information and Entry form download this file 2023 SEAoNY Young Engineer of the Year Award.
For multiple, entries feel free to email admin@seaony.org to request an invoice.
For the Sustaining Members Entry Comp Code please email admin@seaony.org.

By registering for this SEAoNY event, I give consent for my photograph to be taken or presence recorded and possibly used on the organization’s intranet, internet, newsletters, board reports, and other organizational materials as needed. I understand that I am not eligible for compensation for use of my photo and I may not be informed in advance of the specific use of those images.