SEAoNY Resilience Committee Series #2
Adapting to Flooding and the Rising Tides in NYC
March 3, 2022
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
Zoom Webinar
We continue the SEAoNY Resilience Panel Series with an update on the quickly evolving resilience market in the AEC industry, exploring the evolution of flood-related resilience in the built environment. Flood considerations from around NY and other jurisdictions will be discussed, including both near-term design requirements and forward-thinking regulatory efforts.
The speakers at this program provide a comprehensive state of affairs from their respective roles. Individually and then as a panel, they will discuss their work and address how it affects the structural engineering community. For starters: What are the updates that Appendix G is adopting in NYC? What are the latest developments with respect to ASCE7 flood loading provisions? What is the status of city’s protection plan against rainfall-based flooding? How are regulatory efforts evolving in other jurisdictions?
This event is the second in a series of resilience-focused panel events hosted by the SEAoNY Resilience Committee. Stay tuned for upcoming events which will dive deeper into specific shocks and stresses we face in NY and across the country:
- Standing strong in extreme winds
- Lessons from the wildland urban interface (WUI)
- Founded on shaky ground

Joseph Ackroyd, Assistant Commissioner, Technical Affairs & Code Development, New York City Department of Buildings
Joseph Ackroyd is the Assistant Commissioner of the Technical Affairs and Code Development Units at New York City Department of Buildings (DOB). He also serves as the Floodplain Administrator for the City of New York. In his role as Assistant Commissioner Joe manages a team that among other things, administers revisions to the New York City Construction Codes, draft code interpretations, local laws, rules and Buildings Bulletins. Previous positions at DOB include Executive Director of Technical Affairs, Chief Engineer of the Concrete Enforcement Unit and Plans Examiner. Joe also serves as a committee member to the International Plumbing Code. Joe is a licensed Professional Engineer, Certified Floodplain Manager and holds a bachelors and a master’s degree in civil engineering.

Christopher Busch, Assistant Deputy Director for Climate and Environmental Planning, Boston Planning and Development Agency
Chris Busch serves as the Assistant Deputy Director for Climate Change and Environmental Planning at the Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA), Boston’s economic development and planning agency. He is involved with the management of the BPDA’s climate preparedness and waterfront planning initiatives that include the basic functions of community planning, urban design, zoning and climate resiliency planning. In that capacity he has managed the development of the City’s Coastal Flood Zoning Overlay and Resilient Design Guidelines, and advances resilience policy through the city’s planning and development review processes. Chris holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Masters degree from Boston University, and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners.

Jennifer Cherrier, Professor and Chair, Dept. of Earth and Env. Sciences, Brooklyn College-CUNY
Jennifer Cherrier, PhD., is a Professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Brooklyn College-The City University of New York. She is also the President and Founder of Waterway Ecologics, LLC. Her 27yrs of research expertise are in aquatic carbon and nitrogen cycling with a more recent focus on water resource sustainability, integrated water management, and nature-based approaches for offsetting urban flooding and human impacts on marine and freshwater systems. Jennifer’s research group has developed a novel smart-sensored hybrid technology (eco-WEIRTM, patented) that augments green infrastructure to control stormwater retention times, maximize pollutant removal efficiencies and also allows for water storage and reuse. She is an Earth Leadership Fellow for Sustainability, a National Academy of Sciences Frontiers of Science Kavli Alum, and a member of the NY Blue Tech Steering Committee.

Jessica Mandrick, Partner, Gilsanz Murray Steficek LLP
Jessica Mandrick, PE, SE, LEED AP is a Partner at Gilsanz Murray Steficek. She has provided structural engineering services for numerous buildings located in hurricane and flood hazard areas. She served on the ASCE 24 Urban Flood Study team after Hurricane Sandy, assisted with the Sandy recovery efforts, and was a member of a team of structural engineers who traveled to Taiwan after the 2016 Meinong Earthquake. She is the recent past chair of the ASCE Structural Engineering Institute's Young Professionals Committee, a member of the Editorial Board for Structure Magazine, a member of the ASCE 24-20 Flood Resistant Design and Construction Code Committee, and the Secretary/Balloteer/Historian for the ASCE 7 Subcommittee on Flood Loads. She enjoys sailing the not so high seas.
1 PDH offered
Registration Fees:
SEAoNY Members – Free
Non-Members – $15
Registration ends 3 pm, March 2, 2022
Interested in joining SEAoNY Resilience Committee?
The SEAoNY Resilience Committee seeks to provide a multidisciplinary collaboration platform to formulate recommendations and innovations to enhance resilience in the built environment. The committee’s goal is to educate the structural engineering community on resilience approaches to planning, design and construction through collective experiences in the multi-hazard urban environment.
To join SEAoNY RC, contact co-chairs Filippo Masetti ( or Adam Brooks (

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