SEAoNY CNY Presents
Reinforced Concrete Masonry Design and Construction Round Table
Friday, April 16, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Zoom Webinar

Event Details:
Recent advancements in the manufacturing and installation of concrete masonry are enabling more cost-effective, faster, and better-performing masonry projects across New York State.
This moderated round table panel will include representation from a masonry fabricator (Rick Roach - Barnes & Cone, Inc.), a masonry contractor (Mike Palmer - Remlap Construction, Inc.), a masonry design professional (David Biggs, P.E., S.E. - Biggs Consulting Engineering, PLLC), and the International Masonry Institute (Brian Trimble, P.E. – Director of Industry Development and Technical Services) to discuss recent developments in masonry production, installation, and design.
Topics will include block strength developments, new shapes/types of block (Hi-R® and Hi-R-H® block), and insight on best practices for design of reinforced masonry including improved detailing practices to reduce installation time and costs.
At the end of the moderated panel discussion, an open Q&A session will be available so that the experts can answer your questions about concrete masonry.
Brian Byrnes, P.E. - C&S Companies
Panel Members:
Rick Roach - President of Barnes & Cone, Inc.
Mike Palmer - Remlap Construction, Inc.
David Biggs, P.E., S.E. - Biggs Consulting Engineering, PLLC
Brian Trimble, P.E. - International Masonry Institute

1.5 PDH Offered
SEAoNY Members – FREE
Non-Members – $15
Registration ends 3 pm, April 15, 2021

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