2021 Virtual EiSE Awards Presentation

SEAoNY will announce the winners of the
Excellence in Structural Engineering (EiSE) Awards on July 29th, 2021
Time: 12 PM
Join us on Zoom to honor the innovative and exemplary projects done by exceptional structural engineers in New York.

Congratulations to our finalists!
Please cast your vote for the Engineer's Choice Award today.
Vote for your favorite structure here
Poll closes 2pm, July 27th, 2021

Tentative Agenda
- Welcome by President Brad Kiefer - 12:05pm
- 1st Raffle Draw & Sponsor Talk
- Renovation / Retrofit / Rehabilitation of Structures/ Forensic Analysis (up to 3 finalists, 1 award)
- Other Structures (up to 3 finalists, 1 award)
- 2nd Raffle Draw
- New Buildings (up to 9 finalists, up to 3 awards)
- Last Raffle Draw
- Closing Remarks by President- Elect Eugene Kim
You will be automatically entered into the raffle when you register.
Must be present on the Zoom presentation when name is drawn to claim prize.
You will be asked to type in the chat if your name is called.

Sponsorship Opportunities
Excellence in Structural Engineering (EiSE) Awards
The EiSE Awards recognize exceptional projects by firms in New York. Top projects in 6 categories are selected from dozens of submissions for review by a select jury. The event will be held virtually on July 29, 2021 from 12 pm.
- Awards Platinum Sponsorship is exclusive. Included in the Platinum level package is a full-page advertisement in the Awards Issue of Cross-Sections (value $1300), recognition in all event promotions, recognition during the Awards presentation, 10 minute Sponsor Talk during the awards, and short 30 second promo video to be played during the event (video must be provided by the sponsor). - $1400
- Gold Sponsorship (traditionally known as the table sponsor) includes attendance for ten (10), recognition in all event promotions, and recognition during the Awards presentation - $550
- Silver Sponsorship includes attendance for five (5) and recognition in all event promotions. Comparable to past table sponsorship - $350
2021 EiSE sponsorship.pdf
For Sponsorship questions, please email jnuruddin@seaony.org
Event Sponsors
Gold Sponsor


Silver Sponsors

Registration closes 12:00 pm July 28, 2021
Zoom link will be sent between 2:00 pm on July 28, 2021to 11:30 am on July 29, 2021, directly from Zoom.
SEAoNY members registration is free
Non-members registration is $15