SEAoNY January Webinar
Façade Inspection Safety Program (FISP):
Overview and 9th Cycle Updates
January 12, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
Zoom Webinar Platform
The 9th Cycle of New York City’s Façade Inspection Safety Program (FISP), which mandates the inspection of facades of buildings six stories and taller every five years, began last February with new requirements aimed at increasing safety and holding negligent building owners more accountable. In light of recent cavity wall failures, and taking into account the city's aging building stock, it's more critical than ever that building owners proactively maintain their facades in safe condition. This seminar will cover FISP rules, both old and new, with a focus on:
- What's new for the 9th Cycle, including: additional hands-on inspections, probe investigations, and new QEWI qualifications
- Changes to the rule regarding Unsafe and SWARMP conditions
- How the new requirements will affect the cost of inspection for owners
- Different methods of inspection and more.
Speaker Bios:
Stephen A. Varone, AIA, is President and founder of RAND Engineering & Architecture, DPC, a New York City firm that surveys building systems and provides design, specification, and administration of repair, upgrade, restoration, adaptive re-use and new construction. Mr. Varone is responsible for the firm's overall management, including operations, finance, project management, and business development. He has led numerous seminars on building-related topics, such as "Improving Capital Improvement Projects", "Long-Range Planning", "Complying with Local Law 11/98", and "Procurement Practices." Mr. Varone has also spoken at many events sponsored by industry organizations such as CNYC, NYARM, the Federation of New York Housing Cooperatives and Condominiums, Association of Cooperative and Condominium Managers, BuildingsNY, and Landmarks Conservancy. In addition, he has written extensively on building repair and maintenance issues in Habitat magazine and other industry publications. Mr. Varone received his Bachelors of Arts from Hunter College and a Master in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix. He is a Registered Architect in New York State.
As Senior Engineer at RAND, Suzanne Weiss manages and reviews engineering reports, specializing in Façade Inspection Safety Program requirements and reports. She began her career at RAND conducting forensic building surveys, generating detailed findings used in comprehensive engineering reports including capital needs assessments, physical condition surveys, and condominium offering plan reviews. Suzanne has a Bachelor of Engineering degree and a Bachelor of Arts degree from McGill University in Montreal.
1 PDH LU offered
Credits will be sent out one per registration and there may be a virtual sign in and out.
Zoom Link will be sent anytime between 3:00 pm on 1/11/2021 to 11:00 am on 1/12/2021