SEAoNY Diversity Committee Summer Seminar Series
Conversations on Racism for Built Environment Professionals
July 23, 2020
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Zoom Webinar Platform
Registration closes 4:00 pm July 22, 2020
This 3-part series is designed to educate our membership, provide policies and practices to support anti-racism, and promote diversity in our profession.
Event Flyer
Session 2: The Role of Institutional Racism in the New York City Built Environment
Marc-Evens Cadet, Planner, Intelligent Mobility and Intelligent Transportation Systems | ARUP
Scott Larson, Co-Director, Office of Community Studies, Urban Studies Department | Queens College/CUNY
Alexander Mayo, Senior Consultant, Acoustics & Audiovisual | ARUP
Event Description:
In this session, panelists from industry and academia will share examples of how elements of New York City's built environment were fashioned by, and continue to sustain, systemic racism. Using case studies of past and contemporary projects and policies, we will explore how the city's land-use and development processes contribute to, and potentially can help to address, the endemic issues that remain. The panel will be followed by a Q&A session.
Speaker Bios:

Alexander Mayo, Senior Consultant, Acoustics & Audiovisual | ARUP
Alexander is a consultant within Arup's Acoustics, Audiovisual & Theatre design team. Alexander specializes in applying current and new technologies to unique and thoughtful multimedia designs, excelling at bringing technology, architecture, and the arts together. Alexander looks to engage with the cultural context of clients to understand the diversity within client organizations and how to best provide equal experiences for all through universal design.

Marc-Evens Cadet, Planner, Intelligent Mobility and Intelligent Transportation Systems | ARUP
Marc-Evens’ work at ARUP is focused on designing and planning the communication network and infrastructure that support Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). He holds a masters in City and Regional Planning from Pratt and a bachelors in Agricultural Engineering from L'Université d'État d'Haïti during which he participated in an exchange program with Cornell University. Following the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Marc supported the United Nations humanitarian aid effort as a surveyor in Port-au-Prince. He is currently studying to pass the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) exam.

Scott Larson, Co-Director, Office of Community Studies, Urban Studies Department | Queens College/CUNY
Scott Larson, PhD is a faculty member and Co-Director of the Office of Community Studies and the Service Learning program in the Urban Studies Department at Queens College. His research focuses on urban space and social justice, including the issues of redevelopment, gentrification and community-led urbanism. His book, Building Like Moses in Mind: Contemporary Planning in New York City (Temple University Press, 2013), uses ongoing debates about the legacies of Jane Jacobs and Robert Moses as a lens for examining the redevelopment strategies of the administration of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Recent publications include the paper “Imagining Social Justice and the False Promise of Urban Park Design” (Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 2018) and the chapter, “A High Line for Queens: Celebrating Diversity or Displacing It?” in Deconstructing the High Line: Postindustrial Urbanism and the Rise of the Elevated Park (Rutgers University Press, 2017). His current work focuses on Community Land Trusts (CLTs) as a mechanism for reorienting political and economic agency at the community level.
Registration closes 4:00 pm July 22, 2020
Zoom Link will be sent anytime between 4:00 pm on July 22, 2020 to 11:30 am on July 23, 2020 directly from Zoom.
SEAoNY members and NCSEA/SEA members registration is free
Non-members registration is $15