TR Higgins Lecture:
Structural Stability - Letting the Fundamentals Guide Your Judgement
December 11, 2019
6:15 PM - 8:00 PM
Center for Architecture | 536 LaGuardia Place, New York, NY 10012
Presented By: Ronald D. Ziemian, PhD, Professor, Bucknell University
One of the great things about working with structural steel is that most design provisions are based on first principles and fairly predictable experimental test results. This is especially true when assessing structural stability. The primary objective of this lecture is to show how most stability problems can be understood by focusing on the big picture rather than on the details of the seemingly complex mathematics. The presentation will begin by identifying those factors that primarily impact the buckling strength of a system, member, or cross section. Drawing on several example applications, the proper use of today’s computational analysis tools will be demonstrated as a means for enhancing engineering judgement. A case will be made for how a fundamental understanding of structural stability is often sufficient for today’s steel designers, whether applying the direct analysis method to assess system strength or a column curve to evaluate the strength of a compression member. The lecture will also include an overview of the author’s paper “Formulation and Validation of Minimum Brace Stiffness for Systems of Compression Members.”

Presenter Bio:
Ronald D. Ziemian is a professor at Bucknell University. He received his BSCE, MENG, and PhD degrees from Cornell University. In addition to authoring papers on the design and analysis of steel and aluminum structures, Ron is co‐author of the textbook Matrix Structural Analysis (Wiley, 2000), the developer of the educational analysis software MASTAN2, and the editor for the 6th edition of the Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures (Wiley, 2010). He is the Co-Editor in Chief of Elsevier’s Journal of Constructional Steel Research. Ron is a member of AISC’s Committee on Specifications, chairs AISC’s TC3 - Loads, Analysis and Stability, and previously chaired AISC's TG on Inelastic Analysis and Design. He also serves on the AISI and Aluminum Association Specification Committees, is active with the Steel Joist Institute, and the former chair of the Structural Stability Research Council. Ron was awarded the ASCE Norman Medal (1994), the AISC Special Achievement Award (2006), and the ASCE Shortridge Hardesty Award (2013) for his contributions to the profession related to the stability analysis and design of metal structures.
l.5 PDH Credits (pending)
Advanced registration closes 5:00pm December 10, 2019
Registration opens at 5:45pm. Seminar begins promptly at 6:15pm
For SEAoNY members, registration is $25 in advance or $35 at the door.
For non-members, registration is $40 in advance or $50 at the door.
For student members, registration is $5.
To avoid the credit card convenience fee, please send us a check. If you would like to bring cash or a check at the day of the event, please let us know by emailing us at
The event will take place at the Center for Architecture, 536 LaGuardia Place.
The YMG is hosting a "Recap & Rewind" session immediately after this lecture!
Location: The Malt House (206 Thompson St)
This networking series hosted by the Young Members was piloted in 2017 to help form a sense of community amongst SEAoNY members. It's a chance to continue discussion from the lecture while expanding your professional network. All seminar attendees are welcome. For questions about the "Recap & Rewind" session or other YMG events, please email