SEAoNY Gives Back: Volunteer for the Salvadori Charrette
Friday June 7th, 2018
8:00am – 3:30pm
Borough of Manhattan Community College (199 Chambers Street)
Register to Volunteer by May 22nd
SEAoNY’s Young Members Group is gathering volunteers for the Salvadori Foundation’s Annual “Charrette”. Please join us to give back to our community by volunteering your time to such a valuable cause.
About the Salvadori Charrette
Each June, the Salvadori Center hosts a one-day Student Design Charrette. Small teams, comprised of students from different schools, grades and abilities work collaboratively with built environment professionals ~ architects, engineers, builders, etc. ~ to solve a design problem in less than six hours. Students share the knowledge they gained through Salvadori’s residencies, think critically to overcome obstacles, and gain real life experience by cooperating with unfamiliar people and meeting a strict deadline with limited resources.
In the morning, teams are given a design challenge related to the built environment. They are asked to design, develop, and build a solution according to a particular set of parameters and using only the materials provided. There is a very strong math and science component to all our challenges. Throughout the day, professional architects and engineers from New York’s leading firms, guide the students as they provide insight into their professions.
Solutions are presented and tested at the end of the day. Success is tracked and measured against the program goals. Challenges from previous years include:
· Rube Goldberg Rollercoaster: designing a dynamic, fast, and safe ride
· Earthquakes & Water Towers: designing a water tower in an earthquake zone
· Pasta Bridge: constructing a new bridge between Manhattan and Brooklyn
· Withstand the Wind: constructing a tower of cards to withstand lateral force
This year’s design challenge will be equally fun and exciting.
Light breakfast and lunch will be provided.
To register, please email Roxanne at roxanne@salvadori.org by May 3rd and copy seaonyYM@gmail.com.
About the Salvadori Center
Salvadori’s in-school and after-school multi-day programs celebrate a collaborative, hands-on, project-based approach to learning through the built environment ~ buildings, bridges, parks, and communities. Students learn new things about the city they live in. They see the math and science in the buildings they enter, the bridges they cross, and the parks they play in. They quickly understand why math and science are relevant to their lives.
The teachers we coach become our strongest advocates and schools return to work with us year after year. In fact, over 75% of schools returned each year and we increased the number of students we serve by 292% in seven years ~ that is more than 3.9 times!
Salvadori’s programs have a significantly positive impact on student learning and their interest in pursuing STEAM careers.
In summary, Salvadori programs:
- promote college and career readiness
- engage students through project-based exercises
- use the built environment as a vehicle for learning
- employ collaborative problem solving that involves all participants
- produce results that reflect high levels of creativity and ownership
For more information about this event or programs, visit the Salvadori Web Site.
SEAoNY’s Young Members Group will be coordinating other volunteer and outreach programs throughout the year. If you have ideas or would like to get involved, please email SEAoNYYM@gmail.com
SEAoNY YMG - Night at the WTC Observation Deck
April 25, 2018
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
1 WTC (Corner of West & Vesey Street)