"TR Higgins Lecture: Effective Bracing for Flexural Members and Systems in Steel Buildings and Bridges"
Presented by Todd Helwig, PhD
Professor Helwig’s Higgins Lecture is focused on the stability of flexural systems in steel buildings and bridges with a particular emphasis on bracing requirements. The lecture highlights the results from large‐scale experiments and parametric finite element analysis on flexural members. The many factors that impact the effectiveness of torsional bracing systems are covered. An overview of the system buckling mode for I‐shaped girder systems, which is a relatively new failure mode the profession has become aware of over the past 15 years, is also discussed. Improved details such as the use of split pipe stiffeners and lean‐on bracing are also covered

Speaker Biography
Professor Todd Helwig is currently in his 23rd year of teaching and conducting research in the field of structural engineering. He currently holds the J. Neils Thompson Teaching Fellowship in Civil Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin). He joined the faculty at the UT Austin in 2005 after teaching at the University of Houston for 11 years. His area of interest is the design and behavior of steel structures with an emphasis in structural stability and bracing. He has co-developed and taught a number of short courses on the fields of structural stability and bracing on behalf of the Structural Stability Research Council (SSRC), the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), and the National Highway Institute. Since 1994 more than 5000 engineers have attended the short courses that he has co-developed and taught. He has conducted a wide range of research studies on the design and behavior of steel buildings and bridges. Results from the past studies have led to design methodologies for bracing systems for steel box girders as well as new details for stability bracing systems for I-shaped sections. He has also developed recommendations for cross-frame and diaphragm systems that rely on lean-on bracing to help reduce the number of fatigue sensitive braces on steel bridges. His research has been recognized with several awards including the ASCE Collingwood Research Prize, the ASCE Moisseiff Award, and the ASCE Shortridge Hardesty Award. He was recognized by TxDOT with a top innovation award in 2005 for work related to lateral bracing of bridge girders by permanent metal deck forms. In 2010, his work on stability bracing systems in steel bridges was recognized at the North American Steel Construction Conference with an AISC Special Achievement Award. He has served on a number of technical committees for AISC, ASCE and SSRC. He is currently the Chair of SSRC
1.5 PDH Credits will be offered
Registration opens at 5:45pm. Seminar begins promptly at 6:15pm
For SEAoNY members, registration is $25 in advance or $35 at the door.
For non-members, registration is $40 in advance or $50 at the door.
For student members, registration is $5.
The event will take place at the Center for Architecture, 536 LaGuardia Place.
The YMG is hosting a "Recap & Rewind" session immediately after this lecture!
Location: The Malt House (206 Thompson St)
This new networking series will serve as an opportunity for Young Members to be integrated into the greater SEAoNY community, and for more established members to get to know us. It's a chance to continue discussion from the lecture while expanding your professional network. All seminar attendees are welcome. This post-lecture event will include light appetizers and a first round of refreshments.
For questions about the "Recap & Rewind" session or other YMG events, please email seaonyYM@gmail.com.