SAVE THE DATE for the SEAoNY Annual Meeting as we kick off the 2016-2017 Membership year. SEAoNY will welcome the incoming Board of Directors, honor scholarship winners and have a message from our 2016 Honorary Member William Phelan.

William S. Phelan is Senior Vice President of Marketing and Technical Services for The Euclid Chemical Company. He has been with Euclid for over 42 years. He received a B.C.E. from the University of Detroit.
He is an Honorary Member and Fellow of the American Concrete Institute, a Member of ACI 212, “Admixtures”, (Chairman, 2004 – 2010), a Member of ACI Committee 302, (Chairman 1980-1988), “Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction” a member of ACI 117, “Tolerances”, and ACI 308, “Standard Practice for Curing Concrete”. He is also a member of the Strategic Development Council Board of Directors (ACI). He is also the Self-Consolidating Concrete "Champion" for the SDC of ACI.
Mr. Phelan has been published in Concrete Construction Magazine, Concrete International Magazine and Structures Magazine.
In addition all attendees will be in the running for some great raffle prizes!
Registration is free for all SEAoNY members who have renewed for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. As a reminder, all SEAoNY memberships expire on August 31st yearly.
Please renew online by logging into your member profile. Membership dues will be collected on premises for all Non-Member registrants. Renewing before the event will greatly help expedite check-in. Thank you!
Online registration will close at noon the day before (9/26)
The event will take place at the Center for Architecture, 536 LaGuardia Place.