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Structural Engineers Association of New York


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  • 12 Sep 2023 12:35 PM | Anonymous

    AI in the Structural Engineering Profession

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been selected as the topic for the 2023-2024 National Council of Structural Engineers (NCSEA) Innovation in Structural Engineering Grant. NCSEA is seeking individuals who are interested in helping develop an AI foundation for the structural engineering profession. The initiative aims to identify and support groundbreaking advancements in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) through the following objectives:

    ·         Provide Education: Provide structural engineers with information on the latest developments in AI as it relates to the profession and outline future areas of study in future areas surrounding this topic.

    ·         Foster Innovation: Encourage structural engineers to explore, develop, and implement innovative AI solutions that enhance the efficiency, accuracy, and longevity of structural engineering practices.

    ·         Promote Collaboration: Foster collaboration between structural engineers, AI experts, and other industry partners by encouraging the exchange of ideas and expertise to drive progress in the field.

    ·         Address Industry Challenges: Address key challenges faced by the structural engineering industry through the application of AI technologies, including ethical and legal areas.

    This year's NCSEA Innovation in Structural Engineering Grant presents a unique opportunity for structural engineers to push the boundaries of their field by understanding and leveraging AI technologies. By providing financial support, technical guidance, and a platform for knowledge sharing, this year’s program aims to catalyze transformative advancements in the profession and foster collaboration within the structural engineering community and between industry partners.

    To review the complete Request for Application document, click here. To apply for the 2023-2024 NCSEA Innovation in Structural Engineering Grant, click here.

    This Grant Program is just one of the many efforts supported by the NCSEA Foundation.

    Applications must be submitted by October 20, 2023.
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