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Structural Engineers Association of New York


  • 20 Oct 2020 3:24 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Sign up for the 9/11 Memorial & Museum’s Rescue & Recovery Workers Registry

    SEAoNY is dedicated to advocating for structural engineers. We are partnering with the 9/11 Memorial and Museum to share the stories of the structural engineers whom contributed to the rescue and recovery efforts at Ground Zero. If you worked at Ground Zero, please visit and add yourself to the Rescue & Recovery Workers registry. We ask that you choose “SEAoNY” to the question “Employee/Member of”; if you have already signed up, we would appreciate if you update this answer to “SEAoNY”. Adding your name to the registry will benefit both the 9/11 Memorial and Museum and SEAoNY.

    Please contact if you are willing and able to make a donation towards our partnership with the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. We are particularly interested in obtaining artifacts from the site that can be used for a future exhibition – these may include photos, articles or other memorabilia that have a story. We will also be pursuing opportunities for engineers to record their stories of 9/11 and the rescue and recovery effort for inclusion in the 9/11 Memorial and Museum’s oral histories exhibit.

  • 13 Aug 2020 5:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Join 2020 Honorary Member Robert Murray in supporting the SEAoNY Education Foundation!

    The SEAoNY Education Foundation* was established to support local students who are or wish to study structural engineering. Since 2005, the Foundation has distributed over $210,000 to graduating high school students from the Urban Assembly School for Design and Construction in Manhattan and college and university students enrolled in various institutions across the greater New York City area. Historically, the Foundation has provided 2 scholarships at the high school level and 2 scholarships at the university or graduate level.

    Due to the unprecedented challenges faced by students in light of the pandemic, this year the SEAoNY Education Foundation hopes to give more than ever before: awarding 3 scholarships at the $5,000 level to graduating Urban Assembly high school seniors, and 2 to current college students. 

    Donate here

    The SEAoNY Annual Golf Outing is the primary fundraising event to sustain these scholarships. This year, thanks to the hard work of volunteer SEAoNY Scholarship Committee members, our Golf Outing will continue, but at a reduced capacity due to COVID-19. Honorary Member Robert Murray has decided to donate the cost of a foursome to the SEAoNY Education Foundation. The committee and Board of Directors are hoping for your support too. Please consider donating the cost of a foursome or any amount you are able to.

    With your help, the SEAoNY Education Foundation can give even more support to the structural engineers of tomorrow. 

    Honorary Member Robert Murray has recognized that this moment in history offers SEAoNY members a unique opportunity to increase their impact and support to rising engineers. With greater demands and the complications of public health putting stress on our aging infrastructure, the need for bright young structural engineers is more critical than ever. In giving a tax-deductible gift to the SEAoNY Education Foundation, you are helping students and supporting the field of engineering.

    Join Robert Murray in donating to the SEAoNY Education Foundation today. 

    *SEAoNY Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit organization #45-4957969

    Donate here

  • 13 Aug 2020 5:05 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Future of Design NYC 2020

    IABSE presents Future of Design NYC for the fourth time in September 2020.  Join us for a series of events dedicated to synthesizing new ideas and discussing active issues in the engineering and architecture community!

    The theme of Future of Design NYC 2020 is Acceleration & Deceleration. Designers and related built environment professionals are often caught between the fast-paced flexibility that a project demands and the slow pace of change of industry practices.  This year’s program will evaluate the effects of acceleration on the built environment and on designing with social responsibility; it will also explore ideas and innovative practices that developed as a result of - or in an attempt to better harness - those shifts. It will approach these issues from perspectives of both engineering and architecture, in order to contextualize designers’ voices in transformative built environment initiatives.

    FoDNYC 2020 will occur as a series of [5] events hosted online, from September 15 to October 1. Check as we provide updates on program sessions and speakers!

  • 22 Jun 2020 12:46 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    A Message from the SEAoNY Board:

    We are writing to address the recent events surrounding the death of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and racism in the United States. We have been grieving along with the rest of New York and are deeply saddened and outraged by the continuing violence against the Black community. Our role as structural engineers is to build a better present and future for the communities we serve. We know that silence at this time is not an option, and want to reaffirm our support for our Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) members. 

    We are an anti-racist organization; discrimination of any kind is not aligned with the values of SEAoNY or our Code of Ethics. The NCSEA’s vision statement reads, “Structural Engineers are valued for their contributions to safe structures and resilient communities.” Communities will be neither safe nor resilient until we fully address the challenges we face as a society, including racism and educational inequity. While we as structural engineers cannot solve these problems on our own, it is vital that we do the work necessary, as firms, engineers, and individuals, in order to make the best decisions and actions to find solutions. 

    The SEAoNY Board supports our committees who have been taking action on the issues of inequality and diversity.

    • The SEAoNY Education Foundation has awarded over $100,000 in scholarships to students from the Urban Assembly School for Design and Construction and grants to fund a new laboratory on campus.
    • The Diversity committee has invited experts to present to our membership on relevant issues such as understanding implicit bias, best practices for addressing workplace harassment, the NCSEA SE3 Project, among other topics. Diversity has also begun an annual speed mentoring initiative designed to give all members of our field access to a diverse set of mentors at all levels of experience.
    • The Student Outreach Committee (formerly Education Committee) has engaged in important outreach to local high school and college students who are the future of a more inclusive structural engineering community. Moving forward, we are talking to our various partners in these efforts to increase their impact and ensure the benefits are reaching those who are most in need.

    Although we have taken steps towards addressing racism against our BIPOC colleagues, the SEAoNY Board acknowledges that we have been largely silent on the subject. We have not contributed enough to the ongoing conversation of racism in the United States.

    Compelled by recent events, the SEAoNY Diversity committee will not take hiatus this summer as usual and will instead host a 3-part virtual seminar series addressing racism within the structural engineering profession. The first two seminars in this series are designed to educate our membership on the effects of racism against BIPOC and particularly how the built environment can influence injustice and inequality in our society. The third seminar will be a panel discussion on actionable steps that firms can take internally and externally to address racism and implicit bias in the workplace. Please look for further communications on this seminar series in the weeks to come.

    We encourage our membership to be advocates for the health, safety, and well-being of the public and we encourage you to continue engaging the SEAoNY Board and one another in conversation on how to do so. We will be listening to our members as we evaluate future meaningful actions that can be taken by SEAoNY to advocate for a more equitable profession.


    On Behalf of the SEAoNY Board of Directors

    James Vignola

    SEAoNY President 2019-2020

    Hannah Valentine

    SEAoNY Diversity Committee Chair 2019-2020

    Joya Nuruddin Herman

    SEAoNY Executive Director

     View email here
  • 04 Jun 2020 12:44 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 03 Jan 2020 2:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Expand your horizons with a Young Professional Scholarship to Structures Congress.

    This scholarship, made possible by the SEI Futures Fund, provides motivated young professionals and students in structural engineering (and related fields) the opportunity to participate and get involved in SEI at Structures Congress.  Apply by January 3rd to be considered for the April 5-8 Structures Congress in St. Louis, Missouri.

  • 12 Nov 2019 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Join us for a half-day program developed by the

    Structural Engineering, Engagement and Equity (SE3) Committee.

    We invite you to be a part of three sessions focused on engagement, retention, diversity and inclusion. You will be inspired by findings from the 2018 SE3 national survey, hear success stories and cautionary tales from industry leaders, and learn strategies and best practices for improving retention, satisfaction, and culture within your organizations.

    Sponsorship and Program information to follow.

    Register now at    

    Contact us at and follow us on LinkedIn.

  • 06 Nov 2019 6:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    ICRI-Metro New York Presents: 

    Structural Assessment Using Performance 

    Presented By: Dr. Alan Peter Jeary

    Wednesday, November 6th | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

    Club 101 

    101 Park Ave, New York, NY 10178

    $55.00 ICRI-MNY Chapter Members | $75.00 Non-Members

    1 AIA Learning Unit will be Awarded


    This seminar will discuss the basic outline of the dynamic movement of built structures, the application of system theory to these structures, and the assessment of the health of a structure using dynamic movement.   Such measurements contain very useful information, including the identification of areas of lower strength within a structure.  This seminar will also discuss the use of baseline movement measurements as a reference with which to compare movement response after an event, such as an earthquake, or to compare with the requirements of relevant codes of practice.

    About the Speaker

    Dr. Alan Jeary has over 35 years of experience in the management and performance of investigation services, structural engineering services and wind engineering for a broad range of critical infrastructure projects throughout the world.  His many professional highlights include the Telford Gold Medal from the Institution of Civil Engineers, United Kingdom in 1981. Dr. Jeary holds two doctorates and has published over 200 papers on the instrumentation of structures to study their dynamic characteristics.  Dr. Jeary helped establish the Australia, Hong Kong and new Euro-codes for wind and he has served on numerous engineering committees.  Dr. Jeary has taught at several universities as well as consulted for the largest structural engineering firms in the world.  He holds numerous professional registrations and was made an officer of the order of Australia in the Queen's Birthday honours 2015, for services to engineering.

    Register Today

  • 21 Oct 2019 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Post-Disaster Building Safety Assessment Training

    Monday, October 21, 2019 | 8:00am - 4:30pm

    6.5 HSW CEUs | 6.5 PDHs

    Featuring Presentations by 4 Industry Experts

    Plus, MA AEER Task Force Director John Robinson will briefly present how to organize an AEER Task Force in your state

    Location, Timing & Registration

    WHEN: Monday, October 21, 2019 | 8:00am - 4:30pm

    WHERE: Marriott Center, UMass Amherst

    INVESTMENT: $185

    INCLUDES: Breakfast and light lunch; ATC-20 & ATC-45 field manuals; Cal OES SAP student manuals

    PDH: 6.5 HSW CEUS | 6.5 PDHs

    REGISTER HERE or submit this registration form.


    Contact The Engineering Center Education Trust at 617-227-5551 or email No shows will be billed. Cancellations must be received no later than two (2) business days prior to the event.


    The MA AEER Task Force is pleased to offer a full-day training on the methods of assessment of the safety and usability of buildings after natural and man-made disasters.

    Based on the Applied Technology Council's well-accepted post-disaster methodologies and documentation guidelines ATC-20 and ATC-45 (for earthquake and wind/flood events, respectively), this SAP training course will provide engineers, architects and code-enforcement professionals with an understanding of the basic skills required to perform safety assessments of structures following disasters.

    Professional Architects, Engineers, and Building Inspectors will become certified to assist local governments and perform safety evaluations of the built environment in the aftermath of a natural or man-made disaster. Upon completion of this training, participants will be certified to perform post-disaster assessments and will receive a nationally-recognized Cal OES SAP registration ID card from the state of CA. (Valid license numbers will be required for this certification.)

    Case studies will be presented and discussed to illustrate examples of possible damage scenarios that a Second Responder could encounter and how to properly assess the damage and record it for later use by emergency management personnel. Attendees will be introduced to the FEMA Incident & Command requirements and protocols for responders operating in a post-disaster theater which will prepare them to take the self-study online courses required of Second Responders in most jurisdictions who wish to perform post-disaster assessments.


    Kenneth J. Filarski


    Architect | Filarski Architecture + Planning + Research, Providence, RI

    Director, RI Architects and Engineers Emergency Response Task Force 7 (RI AEER TF7)

    For Ken, SAP Training and serving as a second responder is somewhat of a fulcrum in the middle of his integrated work as a SITES Accredited Professional, as a Certified Flood Plain Manager and also his role as a member of the national ASCE/SEI 24 Committee which authored the 24-14 publication “Flood Resistant Design and Construction.” Ken was also instrumental in setting up the RI Architects and Engineers Emergency Response Task Force 7 .

    Michael Fillion, PE, SECB

    Principal | Fillion Group, Inc.

    Director, MA Architects and Engineers Emergency Response Task Force (MA AEER TF)

    Member, NCSEA SEER Committee

    Chair, NCSEA Existing Buildings Code Committee

    Member, Structural Advisory Committee - MA State Building Code

    Founder and Principal of Fillion Group, Inc. Structural Engineering, Michael has more than three decades of experience as a practicing structural engineer. His firm is involved in the design and evaluation of both new and existing commercial & residential structures. He has experience with the evaluation and repair of damaged structures due to the effects of snow, wind and floods. As chair of the Existing Buildings Committee, his goal is to consider the effects of natural disasters in our code provisions in an effort to create more resilient communities. In the aftermath of Massachusetts's Historic Hurricane Bob, Mr. Fillion provided both rapid and detailed assessment reports for structures damaged by the storm.

    David Grandpre, PE, SECB

    Structural Engineer | CA Pretzer Associates, Cranston, RI Structural Specialist

    RI Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Team (2005-2016)

    Co-founder, RI Architects and Engineers Emergency Response Task Force 7 (RI AEER TF7)

    Mr. Grandpre's area of specialty is investigating damaged buildings to determine the scope and cause of damage along with how best to repair the structure. David was trained as a structural specialist with the Rhode Island Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Team. He was a co-founder of the Rhode Island Architects and Engineers Emergency Response Task Force 7(RI AEER TF7) and board member for the Structural Engineers Association of Massachusetts. He has travelled south to investigate damage to buildings from numerous hurricanes, most recently to the U.S. Virgin Islands following Hurricanes Irma and Marie.

    John A. Robinson, AIA, NCARB

    Architect | John A Robinson Architect, Amherst, MA

    Director, MA Architects and Engineers Emergency Response Task Force (MA AEER TF)

    John has over 40 years experience in project management, architectural design, and construction. He presently has his own consulting business specializing in facility assessment and providing owner representative services. He received his SAP training in 2011 and served on the National AIA Disaster Assistance Committee from 2015 to 2017. John has been instrumental in setting up the newly formed MA Architects and Engineers Emergency Response Task Force.

  • 10 Oct 2019 12:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Educational Lunch Seminar

    October 10, 2019 | 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

    Speaker: Van Bui, PhD, FACI - Senior Scientist at BASF Corporation

    Topic: Overview of Factors Influencing Concrete Modulus of Elasticity (MOE)

    Location: CLUB 101 - 101 Park Avenue (Between 40th & 41st Street)

    Date:  October 10, 2019

    Time: 12 pm - 2 pm

    Tickets: $75 Members | $85 Non-Member | $200 Seminar Sponsor

    Van Bui, PhD at University of Wollongong, Australia and Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, has been working as Senior Scientist at BASF Corporation since 2005.

    He has experience of over 35 years in concrete, concrete material and admixture technologies, served as Quality Assurance Manager, Project Manager, Researcher and Engineer/Consultant in both industrial firms and research institutions in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific region.

    Van Bui is a renowned expert on concrete mixture optimization and effectively helped hundred customers in ready mixed and precast/prestressed concrete industry in gaining and implementing successfully a number of projects, including some high-profile projects such as New World Trade Center in New York, residential super-high rise building at 432 Park Avenue, New York city, Trump Tower in Chicago and Underwater SCC for casino structure in Mississippi, Architectural Concrete at Cathedral of Chris the Light, Sacramento City Hall, Stanford University Recreation Center, etc.

    He is an Internationally renowned expert with 25-year-plus experience in technologies of Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC), High-Performance Sustainable Concrete and Fiber-Reinforced Concrete.

    Van Bui is also a Fellow of ACI (FACI) and member of several technical committees of American Concrete Institute, ASTM and RILEM, author/co-author of over 50 papers and technical documents and Invited Speaker for Seminar/Short Course at Universities.  He has organized and served as Session Chair for International conferences such as 1st North American Conference on SCC, 1st RILEM Internal Seminar on SCC, ACI Sessions “Concrete Modulus of Elasticity - How High is High” and “Optimizing Workability of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete”; Author of ACI University On-Line on Performance of SCC for Iconic Structures in North America and ASTM C 1712 - Rapid Assessment for SCC Stability, etc. 

    Learning Objectives:

    • Microstructure and Macrostructure
    • Materials and Mixture Compositions
    • Rheology and Workability
    • Others:  Mixing, Placement, Consolidation, Curing and Testing Procedures

    Professional Development Hours (1.0 PDH accredited)             


    Reservation deadline: 10/8/19

    Reservations not cancelled by 10/8/19 will be billed.

    $75 Members | $85 Nonmembers | $200 (to sponsor educational seminar (seat not included)    

    If paying by check, please mail to:  Concrete Industry Board, PO Box 638, Ringoes, NJ  08551-0638   

    Business attire required

    Register Here

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SEAoNY Education Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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