Post-Disaster Building Safety Assessment Training
Monday, October 21, 2019 | 8:00am - 4:30pm
6.5 HSW CEUs | 6.5 PDHs
Featuring Presentations by 4 Industry Experts
Plus, MA AEER Task Force Director John Robinson will briefly present how to organize an AEER Task Force in your state

Location, Timing & Registration
WHEN: Monday, October 21, 2019 | 8:00am - 4:30pm
WHERE: Marriott Center, UMass Amherst
INCLUDES: Breakfast and light lunch; ATC-20 & ATC-45 field manuals; Cal OES SAP student manuals
PDH: 6.5 HSW CEUS | 6.5 PDHs
REGISTER HERE or submit this registration form.
Contact The Engineering Center Education Trust at 617-227-5551 or email No shows will be billed. Cancellations must be received no later than two (2) business days prior to the event.
The MA AEER Task Force is pleased to offer a full-day training on the methods of assessment of the safety and usability of buildings after natural and man-made disasters.
Based on the Applied Technology Council's well-accepted post-disaster methodologies and documentation guidelines ATC-20 and ATC-45 (for earthquake and wind/flood events, respectively), this SAP training course will provide engineers, architects and code-enforcement professionals with an understanding of the basic skills required to perform safety assessments of structures following disasters.
Professional Architects, Engineers, and Building Inspectors will become certified to assist local governments and perform safety evaluations of the built environment in the aftermath of a natural or man-made disaster. Upon completion of this training, participants will be certified to perform post-disaster assessments and will receive a nationally-recognized Cal OES SAP registration ID card from the state of CA. (Valid license numbers will be required for this certification.)
Case studies will be presented and discussed to illustrate examples of possible damage scenarios that a Second Responder could encounter and how to properly assess the damage and record it for later use by emergency management personnel. Attendees will be introduced to the FEMA Incident & Command requirements and protocols for responders operating in a post-disaster theater which will prepare them to take the self-study online courses required of Second Responders in most jurisdictions who wish to perform post-disaster assessments.
Kenneth J. Filarski
Architect | Filarski Architecture + Planning + Research, Providence, RI
Director, RI Architects and Engineers Emergency Response Task Force 7 (RI AEER TF7)
For Ken, SAP Training and serving as a second responder is somewhat of a fulcrum in the middle of his integrated work as a SITES Accredited Professional, as a Certified Flood Plain Manager and also his role as a member of the national ASCE/SEI 24 Committee which authored the 24-14 publication “Flood Resistant Design and Construction.” Ken was also instrumental in setting up the RI Architects and Engineers Emergency Response Task Force 7 .
Michael Fillion, PE, SECB
Principal | Fillion Group, Inc.
Director, MA Architects and Engineers Emergency Response Task Force (MA AEER TF)
Member, NCSEA SEER Committee
Chair, NCSEA Existing Buildings Code Committee
Member, Structural Advisory Committee - MA State Building Code
Founder and Principal of Fillion Group, Inc. Structural Engineering, Michael has more than three decades of experience as a practicing structural engineer. His firm is involved in the design and evaluation of both new and existing commercial & residential structures. He has experience with the evaluation and repair of damaged structures due to the effects of snow, wind and floods. As chair of the Existing Buildings Committee, his goal is to consider the effects of natural disasters in our code provisions in an effort to create more resilient communities. In the aftermath of Massachusetts's Historic Hurricane Bob, Mr. Fillion provided both rapid and detailed assessment reports for structures damaged by the storm.
David Grandpre, PE, SECB
Structural Engineer | CA Pretzer Associates, Cranston, RI Structural Specialist
RI Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Team (2005-2016)
Co-founder, RI Architects and Engineers Emergency Response Task Force 7 (RI AEER TF7)
Mr. Grandpre's area of specialty is investigating damaged buildings to determine the scope and cause of damage along with how best to repair the structure. David was trained as a structural specialist with the Rhode Island Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Team. He was a co-founder of the Rhode Island Architects and Engineers Emergency Response Task Force 7(RI AEER TF7) and board member for the Structural Engineers Association of Massachusetts. He has travelled south to investigate damage to buildings from numerous hurricanes, most recently to the U.S. Virgin Islands following Hurricanes Irma and Marie.
John A. Robinson, AIA, NCARB
Architect | John A Robinson Architect, Amherst, MA
Director, MA Architects and Engineers Emergency Response Task Force (MA AEER TF)
John has over 40 years experience in project management, architectural design, and construction. He presently has his own consulting business specializing in facility assessment and providing owner representative services. He received his SAP training in 2011 and served on the National AIA Disaster Assistance Committee from 2015 to 2017. John has been instrumental in setting up the newly formed MA Architects and Engineers Emergency Response Task Force.