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Structural Engineers Association of New York

CIB Educational Seminar: How do we achieve 100 year service life with concrete structures?

12 Feb 2019 12:00 PM | Anonymous

Concrete Industry Board Educational Seminar

How do we achieve 100 year service life with concrete structures?” Live Presentation

Tuesday February 12, 2019 - 12 noon

CLUB 101 – 101 Park Avenue (Between 40th & 41st Street)

Speaker: Tracy D. Marcotte, PhD, PE, FACI expert and licensed professional engineer in metallurgical and materials engineering.

Dr. Marcotte is a professional engineer, previous chair of ACI 365 – Service Life Prediction, a member of multiple ACI committees related to corrosion, durability, sustainability, service life, and repair, serves on ACI’s Technical Activities Committee, and was appointed to ACI’s Board of Direction in 2017.

Tracy graduated from Queen’s University in Kingston and the University of Waterloo, Canada, with degrees in Materials Science & Metallurgical Engineering, focused on steel corrosion in concrete. She has committed her professional life to developing standards and improving planning guides for the effective management of structures in service, and firmly believes this work will increase the quality of life within developing and developed nations. Internationally, she is a United States delegate working with other delegates from 94 countries to develop international standards for concrete repair within the International Organization for Standardization (ISO TC 71). She actively promotes forensics, repair, and maintenance of structures as highly satisfying and worthwhile profession for engineers, architects, and historic preservationists.

Learning objectives:

1. Understanding of current practices and standards for service life prediction, and its implementation.

2. Improved vocabulary and definition of terms for discussing service life with clients and owners.

3. Understanding of historical construction changes that can affect service life.

4. Discerning maintenance and repair strategies over the life cycle of a structure from birth to dismantlement.

Professional Development Hours (1.0 PDH accredited)

Reservation deadline: 2/8/19

Reservations not cancelled by 2/8/19 will be billed.

$75 Members with payment received by 2/8/19

$85 Nonmembers with payment received by 2/8/19

$95 No admittance without payment @ the door (seating not guaranteed)

$200 (to sponsor educational seminar (seat not included)

Business Casual attire required (No jeans or sneakers) (Cash Bar)

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