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Structural Engineers Association of New York

Timber-Frame Design: The Art of Exposed Structure Hosted by: WoodWorks- Wood Products Council

30 Oct 2018 8:00 AM | Anonymous

Timber-Frame Design: The Art of Exposed Structure 

Presented by: Jim DeStefano, PE, AIA, F.SEI, DeStefano & Chamberlain Inc.

There is something inherently spectacular about the look and feel of exposed timber. It’s more than a structural system. It’s a natural at creating architectural drama—and is often the most practical, cost-effective, and sustainable choice for achieving that objective. This entertaining and informative workshop will demonstrate how heavy timber and mass timber systems can be used to great effect in a variety of timber-frame applications. Emphasizing the need for form to follow function, it will cover traditional and contemporary design approaches, combining design topics such as species, finish, structural system selection, truss design, and connection methods with practical subjects such as construction type, fire performance, hurricane resistance, cost and constructability.

Attendees qualify for 3 AIA/CES LUs (HSW), 3 PDH credits or 0.3 ICC credits.

Rye Brook, NY

October 30, 2018

Hilton Westchester
Register Here

Cost: $30 (includes lunch)

8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

For questions, contact LeeAnn Charpentier

Hosted by WoodWorks – Wood Products Council



(t) 646.736.0694



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