Call For Abstracts: SEAoNY Annual Conference March 2022
We are excited to announce the 2022 SEAoNY Annual Conference
will be virtual and held during March 2022.
Topic: Design Scenarios for a Changing World
Program Description: Structural engineers practicing in New York also often design projects located elsewhere and must learn to deal with a variety of environmental load scenarios, some of which involve ongoing evaluation of the effects of climate change. With this variety comes the need to anticipate uncommon design events and develop approaches to deal with unconventional structural demands. This year's topic will highlight the increased performance expectations we ask of our built environment, unusual design scenarios, both in New York City and across the country.
We hope you will send us your abstracts to help us plan an exciting annual conference.
Abstract (500-word limit)Speaker(s) Bio
Presentation must be 45 minutes including a Q&A session
Optional - One image illustrating the topic (Image may be used to promote the event)
Items to consider when submitting abstracts:
- Speaker(s) may be asked to be available to prerecord the session and be available for live Q&A.
- Speaker(s) will need to provide some required session information for PDH filing by mid-January 2022.
- SEAoNY will have deadlines for handouts(if applicable with your session) for late January 2022
- Please email abstracts and inquiries to
The EXTENDED deadline for submissions is 1/18/22
Email your submission