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Structural Engineers Association of New York

Diversity Committee

The mission of Diversity Committee is to advocate for the inclusion and advancement of marginalized and underrepresented groups in the structural engineering community. We hold events and provide resources to the SEAoNY membership to raise awareness and foster dialogue among all members of the professional workplace, with the goal of developing solutions through worker-friendly and equitable work-place policies.

Our vision is a more diverse and inclusive community with better collaboration in the workplace and longer-term employee retention.

We believe a community that works together and is inclusive will benefit from the best and brightest engineers when their voices are heard, their contribution is respected, and their potential is valued. We believe a diverse and inclusive structural engineering community will be most effective and productive in the interest of advancing the field.

2023-2024 Committee Leadership

Sharon Jankiewicz - Co-Chair

Diversity Committee Event Recordings

DEIB Series

Session 1: Beginning the Journey: Representation and Identity-Based Perspectives

Speaker: Shani Barrax Moore
Moderator: Sharon Jankiewicz

Session 2: Continuing the Journey: Performative vs. Substantive Practices

Speaker: Shani Barrax Moore
Moderator: Sharon Jankiewicz

Session 3: Priming the Space for Belonging

Speaker: Shani Barrax Moore
Moderator: Sharon Jankiewicz

Summer Seminar Series
Conversations on Racism for Built Environment Professionals

Session 1:  An Introduction to Topics of Racism in Society

Speaker: Shani Barrax Moore
Moderator: Jennifer Anna Pazdon

Session 2:  The Role of Institutional Racism in the New York City Built Environment

Marc-Evens Cadet, Planner, Intelligent Mobility and Intelligent Transportation Systems | ARUP

Scott Larson, Co-Director, Office of Community Studies, Urban Studies Department | Queens College/CUNY

Alexander Mayo, Senior Consultant, Acoustics & Audiovisual | ARUP

Industry Links

Structural Engineering Engagement & Equity (SE3)

The Structural Engineering Engagement and Equity (SE3) Committee was originally a committee within the Structural Engineers Association of Northern California (SEAONC) whose mission is to study engagement and equity in the structural engineering profession in order to provide meaningful input on improving both of these metrics within the industry.

Contact Us

For for more information or to join the Diversity Committee, please contact:



(t) 646.736.0694



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SEAoNY Education Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

SEAoNY is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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